My first blog story in 2025 is about Donald Trump. Not a pleasant subject I know but Trump has now admitted on the floor of the Congress that he has been colluding with Russian dictator, Vadimir Putin, over the fate of battered and besieged Ukraine.
What happened when President Trump, the person we all thought was the leader of the free and democratic world, announced that he was in collusion with Russia. All of the Republican representatives in the Congress rose to their feet and gave him an ecstatic, standing ovation.
Around the world people gasped in horror at what was unfolding on their television screens. A United States President and a Russian dictator colluding to plunder the resource rich, second largest country in Europe.
In February 2024, eight months before the 2024 presidential election, I wrote a blog identifying Donald Trump as Putin,s puppet in the Whitehouse. Meet Donald Trump...Putin's candidate for the presidency Now, 43 days after his inauguration, Donald Trump has admitted it. He has cut off all aid to Ukraine, including vital intelligence information which could warn Ukraine of Russian troop movements near its borders. Given this American act of bastardry against Ukraine, which other country in the free world can ever have any faith in any pledge for protection From US President Trump.
In the dark days following the surprise attack by Japanese aircraft on Pearl Harbour on December 7th, 1941 another US President stood and spoke in the Congress. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a great leader of his people, urged Americans to rise up and fight the evil aggressor. He said that December 7, 1941 would forever be a "A day of Infamy." In years to come History will judge Trump's admission that he colluded with Russia to carve up The Ukraine will also be called a day of American infamy.
Western leaders have roundly criticised Trump for his betrayal of Ukraine. No one said it better than the hero of Polish Solidarity against Communist brutality, the Former President of Poland, Lech Walesa who wrote the following letter to Trump
Your Excellency, Mr. President,
We watched the report of your conversation with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, with fear and distaste. We find it insulting that you expect Ukraine to show respect and gratitude for the material assistance provided by the United States in its fight against Russia. Gratitude is owed to the heroic Ukrainian soldiers who shed their blood in defense of the values of the free world. They have been dying on the front lines for more than 11 years in the name of these values and the independence of their homeland, which was attacked by Putin’s Russia.
We do not understand how the leader of a country that symbolizes the free world cannot recognize this.
Our alarm was also heightened by the atmosphere in the Oval Office during this conversation, which reminded us of the interrogations we endured at the hands of the Security Services and the debates in Communist courts. Prosecutors and judges, acting on behalf of the all-powerful communist political police, would explain to us that they held all the power while we held none. They demanded that we cease our activities, arguing that thousands of innocent people suffered because of us. They stripped us of our freedoms and civil rights because we refused to cooperate with the government or express gratitude for our oppression. We are shocked that President Volodymyr Zelensky was treated in the same manner.
The history of the 20th century shows that whenever the United States sought to distance itself from democratic values and its European allies, it ultimately became a threat to itself. President Woodrow Wilson understood this when he decided in 1917 that the United States must join World War I. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt understood this when, after the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, he resolved that the war to defend America must be fought not only in the Pacific but also in Europe, in alliance with the nations under attack by the Third Reich.
We remember that without President Ronald Reagan and America’s financial commitment, the collapse of the Soviet empire would not have been possible. President Reagan recognized that millions of enslaved people suffered in Soviet russia and the countries it had subjugated, including thousands of political prisoners who paid for their defense of democratic values with their freedom. His greatness lay, among other things, in his unwavering decision to call the USSR an “Empire of Evil” and to fight it decisively. We won, and today, the statue of President Ronald Reagan stands in Warsaw, facing the U.S. Embassy.
Mr. President, material aid—military and financial—can never be equated with the blood shed in the name of Ukraine’s independence and the freedom of Europe and the entire free world. Human life is priceless; its value cannot be measured in money. Gratitude is due to those who sacrifice their blood and their freedom. This is self-evident to us, the people of Solidarity, former political prisoners of the communist regime under Soviet Russia.
We call on the United States to uphold the guarantees made alongside Great Britain in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, which established a direct obligation to defend Ukraine’s territorial integrity in exchange for its relinquishment of nuclear weapons. These guarantees are unconditional—there is no mention of treating such assistance as an economic transaction.
Lech Wałęsa, former political prisoner, President of Poland.
Why is Donald Trump acting like Putin's puppet in the Whitehouse? Well there are many theories.The most salacious one is concerns Donald Trump and the Miss World Pageant in Moscow. Trump was in hotel with a bevy of beautiful women...well, young girls. Many believe, but cannot prove, that ex-KBG heavyweight, Vladimir Putin, bugged Trump's hotel and harvested a portfolio of eye watering salacious video and audio tapes.
The other theory is that Putin bailed Trump out of bankruptcy in the 1990s. At the time Trump had experienced several bankruptcies and no banks would lend him money. However several Russian oligarchs, rich from the spoils of the collapsed Soviet regime, purchased real estate off trump at quite inflated prices.rubles, offered Trump a great deal of money at very favourable terms. Deutsche Bank continued to give Trump favourable deals and guarantees. Now, although these financial deals are well known, there is absolutely no evidence to tie Vladimir Putin to any of them. Except that Putin is the supreme ruler of Russia and nothing happens in Russia unless Putin is in favour of it. As a KGB man he is skilled in not leaving any trace of himself anywhere near the scene of the crime.
Whatever the truth is, Trump has been publicly friendly with Putin on every occasion that they have appeared at international heads of state meetings. If Putin accepts Trump's invitation to the Whitehouse you can bet your life that he will not be set upon, badgered and harrassed on an intenational TV set-up like Zelensky.
With Trump now batting for Russia, western democracies need to rethink their international strategies. Obviously, anything they say in private to Trump could be forwarded to Putin.
Countries that share intelligence with the USA will have to carefully rethink their agreements.Could that intelligence be headed to the Kremlin?
Trump's Day of Infamy has made him an untrustworthy pariah to all of America's former close allies...including Australia!
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