xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' The Font of Noelage: The killing of the innocents.

Thursday 1 July 2021

The killing of the innocents.


About two weeks ago I read a chilling story in the West Australian, informing that some babies survive the abortion termination process and are born alive. Even more chilling, the report went on to to say that these abortion surviving babies, "were allowed to die”.
The story said that about thirty such babies were allowed to die in Western Australia over the last few years.
In Victoria, in one year, thirty abortion surviving babies were born alive, which was about 30% of the total number of abortions in Victoria that year. They were allowed to die.
I was horrified. I immediately thought of the impact this situation must have on the doctors and nurses present who must allow these babies to die.
As I read that story, I felt sure it would produce many letters to the West's Editor protesting that living babies would be allowed to die.
However, after a week or two, not one letter was published to comment on this sad situation.
So, I wrote a letter to the West's editor asking just how are these babies allowed to die?
It was not published.
Can we know how these babies are allowed to die?
Do they starve to death, yelling and crying out for sustenance?
Do the die of exposure? Do they die of asphyxiation? Do they die of a needle that is given to stop their cries; a needle that also kills them? Do they die of studied and deliberate neglect?
I am well aware of the heroic efforts made by doctors and nurses to save the lives of babies born prematurely to mothers who want to keep their babies. Surely, many of these babies would have thrived in a similar way if they had not "been allowed to die."
I am sure that there are many childless couples who would be very happy to adopt these living, abortion surviving babies. To lovingly care for them, to protect them and nurture them into adulthood.
I wondered was mine the only unpublished letter to the West Australian newspaper about abortion surviving babies being "allowed to die"?
Or is it a topic that the newspaper does not want to talk about?
Mine was a short letter. In that week The West published longer letters about The Eagles, The Dockers, even the Widgiemooltha Marbles Club...but no letters about babies being allowed to die. No doubt, it is a matter of editorial prioritities.
Have we become such an uncaring society that we are content to let helpless babies die, unremarked, out of sight, out of mind?
At the end of World War 2 in Europe, the allied armies were horrified to find the gas chambers and death camps operated by the Nazi's to kill Jews, Gypsies, the maimed, the infirm and mentally ill and anyone else that the Nazi's did not like.
General Dwight Eisenhower, the Allied Supreme Commander, quickly ordered that people from surrounding villages be taken to the death camps and shown the piles of dead bodies. He did that because the locals all said that they did not know what was happening in these camps.
He showed them the mass graves. He wanted them to see the  horror to  make sure that nobody could ever again say that it did not happen or that they did not know what had happened.
History has passed a terrible judgement on the Nazi's inhumanity to man.
Well, we all now know what is happening now! Babies that survive the abortion termination process and are born alive are are being "allowed to die.'
How will future generations judge us?

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