Denis Belliveau is married to my daughter, Sarah. Excerpts from this story were published in the Moncton Times and Transcript newspaper on July 16, 2014.
Belliveau: A Remarkable Journey.
love of rock climbing and knowing the ropes has placed Denis on top of a multimillion
dollar energy conglomerate.
By Noel Bourke
Earlier this year, Denis Belliveau, formerly of
Moncton, was appointed Executive General Manager of Global Energy Group’s
Australia-Pacific operations. This placed Denis, who now resides in Perth,
Western Australia, at the head of five GEG companies with a combined turnover
of $70 000 000. It was quite a step up for Denis, who admits that he arrived in
Perth nineteen years ago with a brand new wife, a guitar and just over a
thousand dollars in his bank account.
Denis, the son of Rheal and Annette Belliveau (nee
Richard), was born in Moncton in 1966. During 1983-85, while attending Matthew
Martin High School, he also joined the Canadian Army Reserve, serving in the
Service Battalion where he acquired skills in motor vehicle maintenance and
mechanics. After leaving high school he attended College at CCNB- Dieppe where he
met Mark Rock, a sales teacher who made a significant impression on him.
Denis also credits The Moncton Times and Transcript newspaper for his
entrepreneurial development. He recalls, “In the days when the Times and
Transcript were morning and evening papers respectively, I had a twice daily 45
minute paper route for six days a week. Between 1980 and 1986 I had a regular
route of 85 clients in my area. This played a significant part in my learning
to sell. I learned how to mould my personality to each different household. I
needed to record and collect money from my customers and soon learned that
shovelling snow off an elderly customer’s path would not only earn me some
goodwill but also the occasional hot muffin. During the summer months when we
stayed in Parlee Beach I had someone take over my home route and I delivered
papers to all the cottages in the area.”
He then spent six months working in sales for Info
Affaires, a French language business journal, followed by a further twelve
months as a travelling salesman for Aluminart, selling doors and windows
throughout New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
He was not particularly happy in either of these
jobs. A car accident in 1991 caused Denis to revaluate his life’s direction. He
moved to Jasper, Alberta, on New Year’s Eve, 1991, where he soon found employment
as a bar tender at Chateau Jasper.
Two important things happened for Denis while he was
in Jasper. Apart from his bar tending job, he started working as a Ranger for
Parks Canada. He developed a great love of mountaineering and rock climbing,
which became a major focus in his life. An even greater focus in his life
occurred later in 1992 when an attractive, young Australian girl, named Sarah,
also started working at Chateau Jasper. Eventually, this proved to be life
changing experience for both of them.
Although very happy in Sarah’s company, Denis knew
that Sarah wanted to eventually return to live in Australia and he was not sure
if that would suit him. There was really only one way to find out. On October
20, 1993, his 27 birthday, Denis and Sarah arrived in Australia. They both
quickly found work in hospitality in the tourist Town of Margaret River, about
350 kilometres south of Perth. Denis discovered that the rugged cliffs along
Australia’s south west coast were ideal for rock climbing. He also found that
he was quite suited to the Australian climate and lifestyle.
Denis returned to Canada, without Sarah, in April,
1994, still unsure about his future. Before long, however, he realised that it
is not where you live but with whom you live that is important. Sarah returned
to Canada in August, 1994, and they both worked a Becker’s Restaurant in
In October,
1994, they drove across Canada to holiday with his parents in Moncton. As Denis
explains, “We eloped. We married in Moncton without telling anybody.” At length,
both sets of parents were informed of the marriage and gave it their blessing.
In November, 1995, the couple returned to Australia, this time for good, albeit
with only a guitar and a small bankroll to get them started.
Sarah once again quickly found a job in hospitality
and Denis worked in a variety of jobs, including a stint at tree lopping.
“Swinging on a rope with a chain saw is not an ideal work situation,” he says
with a smile.
In 1996, Denis began working for Mountain Design, a
national outdoor camping equipment and clothing supplier. The manager of the
Mountain Design store where Denis worked was Andy Corbe. Before long Denis was
his assistant manager and he and Andy became good friends, both with a great
love of rock climbing.
When he was living in Canada, Denis played in a band
called The Rich Hippies, which enjoyed a degree of success. So it was natural
that in Perth, he and some friends soon formed an original band, named Jaluka. They
wrote their own songs and played, on average, two gigs a week around Perth’s
hotel circuit. They also had successful tours of the Pilbara region and the
South West of Western Australia. A CD which they released won several local
music awards in 2001. Denis was nominated “Most Popular Guitarist” for the WAMI
Awards (West Australian Music Industry). At this time, Denis was quite hopeful
that he would become a successful, full time musician.
In 1997, someone asked Denis if he would like to
earn a living washing windows on skyscrapers. He says, “Being a passionate rock
climber, I could not think of anything more appealing than being paid to hang
off a rope thirty storeys high.”
He enrolled in a course conducted by the Industrial
Rope Access Training Association (IRATA) and qualified as an Industrial Rope
Access Technician. Rope access technicians were increasingly in demand in Western
Australia’s burgeoning gas and oil industry, as they could carry out inspection
and repair jobs without the need to construct expensive scaffolding.
Denis quickly graduated from high rise window
cleaning to more industrial work on chemical plants and oil rigs. At the same
time he was still heavily involved with Jaluka, which had developed a strong
fan base in Western Australia.
In February, 2002, Sarah informed Denis that he was
going to become a father. At that time Sarah was the main breadwinner as Event
Co-ordinator at the Burswood Resort and Casino complex. Denis realised that
Jaluka was not going to pay the bills that an expanding, one income family
family would incur. He took on more lucrative rope access jobs in Malaysia, Singapore,
Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. Depending on the scope of the work, he
could be away from home for anywhere from a week to a month.
Many of Denis’ off shore rope access jobs were with
Andy Corbe, his friend from their Mountain Design days. Denis and Andy often
discussed the nature of their work and how they could make it better. They were
unhappy with many aspects of management that made their work less enjoyable.
Deciding to do something about it, on the eighth of
August, 2008, Andy and his wife, Laura, registered their own rope access
company, Vertech. When Denis returned from an offshore job in early September,
Andy and Laura invited him to join their company with a one third share in
Vertech. Now with a wife and two young children, Sophie and Luc, Denis thought
long and hard about this offer. The company’s start-up date of 08/08/08 was
considered to be quite a good omen in the Chinese culture, but it was not a
factor in Denis agreeing to sign on as a partner. After due consideration, he
did sign on in mid October, 2008. Three days later the Global Financial Crisis
occurred and the price of oil plummeted.
Fortunately, the massive global economic downturn
did not affect their new business. From the outset Andy, Laura and Denis
decided that Vertech’s marketing strategy was to provide quality inspection
services on existing oil and gas facilities. They set up Vertech as a
specialist Industrial Rope Access Company, providing a large range of trade and
inspection services to the energy sector. As Denis explains, “Any work that can
do done on the ground, or using scaffolding, can generally be carried out on
Their vision
was to create a small “boutique” company that would provide both of them with
permanent employment. However, they soon attracted important, regular customers
because of the quality and efficient delivery of their services, forcing them
to employ additional workers to keep up with demand. At that point Denis and
Andy still worked offshore as required and Laura looked after the office work
from her kitchen. To get their business up and running, Denis and Andy worked
without any salary for the first six months. In the first 3 years there were
many sleepless nights. Initially, they did everything from emptying the rubbish
to managing all the equipment logistics from Denis’ garage.
As the company grew, Laura managed the financial
side. Andy was responsible for technical and mechanical issues, while Denis was
chiefly responsible for client liaison and personnel management. After a few
months, the company was able to set up an office at Hillarys Marina. Early in
2012 Vertech moved into spacious offices in North Beach. Denis got his garage
back when Vertech also acquired a large warehouse training and storage centre
in the nearby Perth suburb of Malaga.
Vertech flourished and grew exponentially in its
first four years of operation. As Denis notes, “We went from three employees
and a home office in 2008, to 37 office staff, 100 plus technicians, a large
beachside office complex and a separate logistical and training centre. By
2011, Vertech had an annual turnover of $9 000 0000.” A truly remarkable
Denis is a people person. As an employee, he had
often felt that his hard work and efforts were not appreciated by his
employers. He decided that the most important component of Vertech was the
people; not only their employees, but their partners and their children, as
well as the company’s clients. Denis, Laura and Andy worked hard to develop a
people focussed culture within the Vertech organisation.
Denis says, “Everyone is treated with respect,
dignity and honesty with a strong focus on health and safety. I believe this
‘people philosophy’ is a huge factor in Vertech’s success.” A visit to the
Vertech office quickly reveals a very harmonious and energetic work
environment. The staff are generally young, look very fit and work with
enthusiasm and smiling good humour. In fact, they look enthusiastic and happy enough
to be part in a Coca Cola television commercial.
Vertech’s outstanding growth and business success
did not go unnoticed. “Six other companies expressed an interest in purchasing our
company,” says Denis. “In March, 2012, we were first approached by Global
Energy Group (GEG), a major Scottish based player in the global oil and gas
industry who were keen to move into Western Australia’s booming oil and gas
markets.” At first there was a reluctance by the three partners to give away,
“their baby.”
“It was,” recalls Denis, “quite a tough decision. I
felt as if I had helped to build a Rolls Royce motor car and was now being told
I could only sit in the back seat.” However, Andy, Laura and Denis realised
that they had taken Vertech as far as they could without additional capital and
corporate support. In October, 2012, they agreed to sell 80% of Vertech to
Global Energy Group for a substantial, but confidential, undisclosed amount.
Their fears about a loss of control of the company that they had built from
scratch proved to be unfounded. GEG allowed the partners to continue to manage
the company as they saw fit.
“GEG’s wasn’t the best offer,” says Denis, “but we
all felt that it was a fair offer and that GEG were the best placed company to
take Vertech forward. We didn’t want to have the biggest house for our baby, we
wanted it to have the best home and GEG filled the bill.”
After the sale, Vertech continued to experience exponential
growth and some structural changes. The annual turnover in 2013 was in excess
of $20 000 000. After a while Andy and Laura chose to follow their dreams and
pursue other interests. Denis was appointed Managing Director of the company
and the strong growth continued. In June this year, the company expanded its
office facilities in North Beach to accommodate this growth.
Early in 2014, Ian McGregor, the CEO of Global
Energy Group, visited Perth. He
expressed pleasure at Vertech’s outstanding performance and told Denis that he
wanted him to become Vice President of GEG Asia Pacific. Denis pointed out that,
as there was no President of this group, he would prefer to be known as the
Executive General Manager of GEG Asia Pacific. This placed Denis in charge of a
portfolio of five GEG companies with a combined annual turnover of $70 000 000.
Although Denis has lived in Australia for nearly
twenty years and his expanded managerial role keeps him busy, he still
maintains strong links with Moncton. He says “Social media and Skype have enabled
me to maintain my relationships and keep me up to date with what is happening
in and around Moncton. I still miss the seafood, especially the lobsters,
Vito’s Pizza and Moosehead beer and, of course, I miss my family and friends
and the friendly nature of the Maritime people.”
Denis, Sarah, Sophie and Luc have travelled to
Moncton for extended summer visits. Last Christmas was a very special family
occasion when Denis’ parents, Rheal and Annette, his sister, Ginette, her
husband, John Pineau and their son, Justin, all travelled to Australia and
stayed in the family’s spacious beachside home in Ocean Reef. For the Canadian
visitors it was a very bright Christmas instead of their usual Moncton White
Christmas. It was Denis’ first Christmas with his family since 1991.
Recently Denis was invited to address a group of
Year 11 high school students regarding career and life choices. He opened his
remarks to these students by saying, “I am 47 years old and I still do not know
what I want to be when I grow up.” Whatever he does eventually decide to do, it
is clear that by pursuing his passions and interests, Denis has achieved great
business and personal success.
“When I was young, people told me that if you are
successful you will be happy. I have found the reverse to be true. By doing
what makes you happy, success will follow. And success is not necessarily
measured in monetary terms. It comes from satisfaction in what you are doing
and the people you surround yourself with.”
Clearly, Denis has been doing quite a lot of very
satisfying things and in the company of some high quality people.
Today, August 25, 2014, Denis flew back to Moncton
to spend two weeks with his family, especially his grandparent, Leonard and
Emma Richard, who are both well into their nineties. He will also catch up with
his former sales teacher, Mark Rock, who has invited Denis to address some of his
classes. He has a remarkable story to tell them. Maybe he can even let them
know what he plans to do when he grows up.
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Denis climbing cliffs near Margaret River. 1993. |
Denis pulls the rabbit out of the hat whenever tells Vertech staff about clinching or completing another profitable contract. |
Keeping track of what jobs are on. |
The office aquarium has a calming effect. |
A bright Christmas. Denis with parents, Rheal and Annette and sister, Ginette, at Mullaloo Beach on Christmas morning, 2013. Their first Christmas together since 1991. |
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Denis with one of the teachers At Vertech's Logistics and Training Centre in Malaga. |
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A gas rig in the North-West shelf of the coast of Western Australia. |
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Vertech's rope access technicians in action. |
Working on a rig somewhere in the Indian Ocean, north-west of Western Australia.